Maps & Procedures
Grade K–2 & Intermediate siblings: 3:30–3:40 PM
Grade 3–5: 3:40–3:50 PM*
*Please do not arrive before 3:40 PM or you will be asked to pull through and come back at 3:40 PM.
Gates close promptly at 3:50 PM. Parents arriving after gate closes, must pick up their learner in the front office. Learners not picked up by
3:50 PM will be escorted to Act 2, our after school care program. Parents will be notified and Act 2 fees may be incurred for after school
childcare services.
If you do not announce via PikMyKid app and do not have a car tag, you will be rerouted to go to the front office to verify permission to pick up learner. This is done for the safety of our learners.
No early dismissal through the Front Office after 3:00 PM.
All changes in delegation and modes of transportation must be made via PikMyKid App before 3:00 PM.
Gates may close early for safety of learners and teachers in extreme weather conditions. This may include extreme heat, lightning and rain.
In the event traffic is congested, please return to the school in 3 to 5 minutes.
Proceed to BLUE stop sign. Announce your arrival at the blue stop sign. This will expedite the dismissal process.
Smoking or use of any tobacco/marijuana products (including e-cigarettes and vaping) is prohibited on any school grounds; this includes carloop.
The use of cellphones is NOT permitted while in carloop (with the exception of “announcing” your learner in your PikMyKid app).
All pets, including dogs, are not permitted in the car loop. This is to ensure the safety of our learners and staff while loading the learners into vehicles.
Please follow direction of traffic staff. Please be kind and courteous to all traffic staff and fellow drivers.
Please refrain from having extended conversations with teachers in the car loop. Please schedule a conference to discuss your learner with his/her teacher.
For safety, learners are to load the vehicle on the driver’s side backseat.
After your learner is loaded, turn your left blinker on, so traffic staff is aware your learner is loaded.
Please DO NOT exit your vehicle while in car loop. If you need to help your learner buckle their seatbelt or car seat, please continue through carloop and pull into a parking space.
Early College Prep
Learners may NOT arrive on campus before 7:30 AM.
Middle school dismissal time is 3:16 PM.
Prior to PM bus arrival, carloop is to form off property along the grass area on the west side of Palm Avenue.
Please pull far enough off the road to allow through traffic to flow uninhibited. Entrance to car loop from the east side of Palm Avenue from Embassy is strictly prohibited. Please access Palm Avenue from Fox Hollow Drive.
The PikMyKid app must be activated upon arrival and shown on your phone to the Dayspring staff to ensure prompt delivery of your child to your car.
Only individuals listed on learner’s contacts in myStudent or delegated in the PikMyKid app have permission to pick up learners; they will be required to present a photo ID before we can release your learner to the individual. We WILL NOT release your learner to anyone not listed. The only exception will be emergency situations, which will require authorization from the principal. If the driver does not have the PikMyKid app on their phone, the driver will be directed to park their vehicle and proceed to the office for dismissal of their learner.
If you have a change in transportation, you must log in to the PikMyKid app and submit the change by 3 PM.
If your learner is being picked up in car loop by another person, a New Pickup Guardian change must be made in PikMyKid no later than 3 PM. For the safety of our learners, we cannot accept phone calls (unless you require assistance with PikMyKid). The only exception will be emergency situations, which will require authorization from the principal.
If your learner is not being picked up at the regular 3:16 dismissal time, a Pickup Mode Change must be made in PikMyKid no later than 3 PM. For the safety of our learners, we cannot accept phone calls (unless you require assistance with PikMyKid). The only exception will be emergency situations, which will require authorization from the principal.
Learners will not be dismissed through the campus front office between 3–3:35 PM.
There is NO SMOKING or CELL PHONE USE allowed during car loop for the safety of our learners.
Early College Prep learners need to be picked up in a timely manner on a daily basis. Learners who remain on campus after car loop has finished and who are not attending after school help, will be asked to call their parents and will be sent to study hall.
Early College Prep learners must be picked up from after school help by 4 PM (unless otherwise scheduled). If the learner is picked up late more than 3 times, he/she may lose their after-school help privilege.
Early College
Learners may NOT arrive on campus before 7:30 AM.
Early College dismissal time is 3:16 PM.
Enter PM car loop onto Morehead Lane from Embassy Blvd so that you can make a right turn onto the Ovation campus. A left turn into car loop from Morehead Lane is strictly prohibited.
Exit the car loop by turning right onto Morehead Lane; turning left is not permitted.
The PikMyKid app must be activated upon arrival and shown on your phone to the
Dayspring staff to ensure prompt delivery of your learner to your car.
Display the car tag in your windshield.
Only individuals listed on learner’s contacts in myStudent or delegated in the PikMyKid app have permission to pick up learners; they will be required to present a photo ID before we can release your learner to the individual. We WILL NOT release your learner to anyone not listed.
The only exception will be emergency situations, which will require authorization from the principal.
If the driver does not have the PikMyKid app on their phone, the driver will be directed to park their vehicle and proceed to the office for dismissal of their learner.
If you have a change in transportation, you must log in to the PikMyKid app and submit the change by 3 PM.
If your learner is being picked up in car loop by another person, a New Pickup Guardian change must be made in PikMyKid no later than 3 PM. For the safety of our learners, we cannot accept phone calls (unless you require assistance with PikMyKid). The only exception will be emergency situations, which will require authorization from the principal.
If your learner is not being picked up at the regular 3:16 dismissal time, a Pickup Mode Change must be made in PikMyKid no later than 3 PM. For the safety of our learners, we cannot accept phone calls (unless you require assistance with PikMyKid). The only exception will be emergency situations, which will require authorization from the principal.
Learners will not be dismissed through the campus front office between 3–3:30 PM.
There is NO SMOKING, VAPING, or CELL PHONE USE allowed during car loop for the safety of our learners (with the exception of “announcing” your learner in your PikMyKid app).
Early College learners need to be picked up in a timely manner on a daily basis. Learners who remain on campus after car loop has finished and who are not attending after school help, will be asked to call their parents and will be sent to after school help.
Early College learners must be picked up from after school help by 4 PM (unless otherwise scheduled). If the learner is picked up late more than 3 times, he/she may lose their after school help privilege.